Added Davis to BigBearCasaOS


A simple, fully translatable admin interface and frontend for sabre/dav based on Symfony 7 and Bootstrap 5, initially inspired by Baïkal (see dependencies table below for more detail)

Provides user edition, calendar creation and sharing, and address book creation. The interface is simple and straightforward, responsive, and provides a light and a dark mode.

Easily containerisable (Dockerfile and sample docker-compose configuration file provided).

NixOS package and module available.

Supports Basic authentication, as well as IMAP and LDAP (via external providers).

Created and maintained (with the help of the community) by @tchapi.

Pull Request



docker exec -it big-bear-davis php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate

Say yes to production.

Username: bigbear
Password: aa9405b8-426c-41a1-bbc6-2924d8ec7eb3