Added playit-docker-web to BigBearCasaOS

About is a global proxy that allows anyone to host a server without port forwarding. We use tunneling. Only the server needs to run the program, not every player!

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Pull Request

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This looks useful, thanks for adding it!

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When I try to install Playit Docker Web, I first get a link to Cloudflared web, and then just a rotating cursor that goes on forever. Any ideas what is going wrong?
Even after several hours, the cursor was still rotating. I checked with portainer and no image was downloaded

Can you install Dozzle and look at the logs? You would need to go to settings > turn on stopped containers.

“Show stopped containers” is enabled. I don’t see any indication a new container was created.

What do you suggest I try now?
If I import the yaml file, do I have to create the config.json first, or does the docker create it?

I imported the yaml file. When I click on Install, *502 flashes up, which is probably 502 Bad Gateway Error.
“latest” gives the same error.

Any idea what could be causing that?

The yaml refers to big-bear-cloudflared-web. Do I have to install that first?

Screenshot 2024-12-12 at 12.17.14 PM

Remove the spaces from the path.

The spaces come from the Docker file, but it doesn’t help. I still get *502.

Restart your CasaOS server, then try to install from BigBearCasaOS.

Screenshot 2024-12-12 at 12.39.15 PM

This issue is fixed.

OK, but why does the Docker refer to

Main service of the application

main: big-bear-cloudflared-web

It was a mistake on my part:

It installed. The “before_install” in the yaml still points to cloudfared-web

I’ll get it fixed. Thanks for letting me know.

This has been fixed: