Big-bear-casaos github versions

are big-bear-casaos github versions inline with what installs I ask because the version of RomM is showing a 2 month old build - RomM 2.3.1 vs current version of 3.0.1 does the repo get updated and not github or is the version in the repo just 2 months old?

This was a major update. Also, backup data before performing the update.

  1. Move Your Configuration File: You need to move your config.xml file into the following directory:

You can also run to generate a new config:

bash -c "$(wget -qLO -"
  1. Generate a Secret Key:

Use the following command to generate a new key:

openssl rand -hex 32
  1. Update Environment Variable:
  • After generating the key, add it to your environment variables under:

Replace <your_generated_key_here> with the key you generated in step 2.

I have not installed yet I was asking before doing install if version in repo was up to date

It is now. Just let me know if something doesn’t work!

its no longer showing in the repo at all now I restarted my casa and still no go

This has been fixed.