Boxes are underneath locations and help you with organizing your inventory. They can have Content or Replacement Cost on them to help you with showing your boxes to the insurance adjuster.
Create Box Screen
- Cancel button: Would take you back to the actions tab.
- Save button: Would save the box and take you to the new box.
- Back button: Would either take you back to the boxes list or let you know to save the box.
- Files: Add photos to this box.
- Name: Help you identify the box.
- About: Help you describe the box.
- QR Code: You can scan this QR Code to see the box.
- Scan QR Code Button: Scan any QR Code to add it to this box.
- Insurance Type: We suggest verify this with your insurance agent because insurance companies to identify Content or Structural in different ways.
- Content: This is anything that is not attached to the structure.
- Structural: Anything that is attached to the structure.
- Box Type: If you have different insurance coverage for Personal or Business, you can create different box types.
- Personal
- Business
- Actual Cost: Put a cost here of what you actually paid for this box not the contents of the box.
- Replacement Cost: Put a cost here of what you think the market value of this box is.
Do not put a cost of items or other boxes only what the box it self is. You will be adding boxes and items under this box. Boxinvy itemizes everything under this box.
Show Box Screen
- Actions Tab: This tab shows the actions you can take on this box.
- Info Tab: This tab shows the information about this box.
- Files Tab: This tab shows the photos attached to this box.
- Sub Boxes Tab: This tab shows the boxes under this box.
- Linked Items Tab: This tab shows the items linked to this box.
- QR Codes Tab: This tab shows the QR codes linked to this box.
Action Tab Buttons
- Edit Box button: This button would take you to the edit box screen.
- Select Box button: When you select a box you can use multi select to move or clone it
- Link Item button: You can link items from your item inventory or create a new item.
- Add Sub Box button: You can add as many boxes under each other to map out your inventory accurately.
- Bookmark button: If you go this box often you can bookmark it. You can see this box in your bookmarks to get to at any time.
- Move button: Want to move this box under a location or under another box? This button would take you to the move box screen.
- Locate Box button: Don’t know where this box is located? This action shows you exactly where this box is located.
- Clone Box: Need a box similar to this one? This button would take you to the clone box screen.
- Add QRCode/Barcode button: You can add multiple QR codes or barcode’s to this box. They will be shown in the QR Codes tab.
- Delete Box button: This button would delete this box.
Edit Box Screen
- Cancel button: Click this cancel button to go back to the actions tab.
- Save button: Click this button to save the box.
- Back button: Click this button to go back to the box or it let’s you know if there is unsaved changes.
- Files: Upload photo to show what this box is. Click on any of the photos to delete them.
- Name: Help you identify the box.
- About: Help you describe the box.
- QR Code: You can type any qr code text to be used with a QR Code.
- Scan QR Code Button: Scan any QR Code to add it to this box.
- Insurance Type: We suggest verify this with your insurance agent because insurance companies to identify Content or Structural in different ways.
- Content: This is anything that is not attached to the structure.
- Structural: Anything that is attached to the structure.
- Box Type: If you have different insurance coverage for Personal or Business, you can create different box types.
- Actual Cost: Put a cost here of what you actually paid for this box not the contents of the box.
- Replacement Cost: Put a cost here of what you think the market value of this box is.
Link a item to box
Top Bar
- Click < to go back
- Search items in your item inventory.
Items Tab
- Click on any of the items to move them to this box.
Actions Tab
- Create Item: Click to create a new item in your item inventory then link it to the current box.
If you click a item that is added to the box already it will just try to increase the quantity used of your global item inventory. If your global inventory item quantity is not sufficient enough to increase the quantity of this linked item it will alert you.
Add sub box under this box
Click here to learn how to create a box
Bookmark this box
If you have a box you’re going to use often you can bookmark it. You can see this box in your bookmarks to get to at any time. The bookmarks are located on the Boxinvy Dashboard.
Move this box
When you click on Move this box you’re presented with
- Manually Move: This action lets you start from location and move down through the boxes. After you picked a location or box click the actions tab then click Set Location.
- Scan Parent Box: Scan a boxes QR Code and this box will be added underneath it.
Locate Box
This example shows you exactly where this box is located.
- New Location is the “Location”
- New Box is right under “New Location”
Clone Box
When you click the Clone Box button it lets you duplicate this box and pick the number of clones you need.
Add QRCode/Barcode
Click this button opens up the QR Code scanner either for mobile or web. Just any QR Code to add it to the box. This will show up on the QR Codes Tab.
Delete Box
If you want to you can delete this box. You will need to confirm this action.
Info Tab
This tab shows the information about this box.
- Name: Identify the box by name.
- About: Describe the box.
- Insurance Type: We suggest verify this with your insurance agent because insurance companies could identify Content or Structural in different ways.
- Content: This is anything that is not attached to the structure.
- Structural: Anything that is attached to the structure.
- Type:
- Personal
- Business
- Personal Content Cost: Put a cost here of what you actually paid for this box not the contents of the box.
- Personal Replacement Cost: Put a cost here of what you think the market value of this box is.
- Personal Structural Content Cost: Put a cost here of what you paid for this box.
- Personal Structural Replacement Cost: Put a cost here of what you think the market value of this box is.
- Business Content Cost: Put a cost here of what you actually paid for this box not the contents of the box.
- Business Replacement Cost: Put a cost here of what you think the market value of this box is.
- Business Structural Content Cost: Put a cost here of what you paid for this box.
- Business Structural Replacement Cost: Put a cost here of what you think the market value of this box is.
- Updated At: When ever this box gets updated.
- Created At: When this box was created.
Files Tab
The files tab shows all the photos that are on the box. Click each photo to get a better view.
Sub Boxes Tab
See all the sub boxes underneath this box. Click the sub box to see the box actions and info.
Items Tab
See all the items under this box. You can link a item from your item inventory of create new on the actions tab.
QR Codes Tab
Add multiple QR Codes to a box.