Stores help you categorize your items by what store they’re from. You can link and create stores when you’re creating or editing items. Multiple stores can be linked to an item incase the item can be bought from multiple stores.
Stores Home Screen
Actions Tab
- Create Store button: Clicking this will bring you to the create store form.
Stores Tab
This shows all your stores that you have created in your team. You can click on the store name to view the store details.
Create Store Screen
- Cancel button: Clicking this will take you back to the categories home screen.
- Save button: Clicking this will save the store you are creating and take you to store detail screen.
- Back button: Clicking this will take you back to the categories home screen or tell you of unsaved changes.
- Name: Help you identify the store.
Show Store Screen
Actions Tab
- Edit button: Clicking this will bring you to the edit store form.
- Delete button: Clicking this will delete the store.
Info Tab
Info Fields
- Name: Help you identify the store.
- Personal Content Cost: This is the personal content cost of all the items that this store is linked to.
- Personal Replacement Cost: This is the personal replacement cost of all the items that this store is linked to.
- Personal Structural Content Cost: This is the personal structural cost of all the items that this store is linked to.
- Personal Structural Replacement Cost: This is the personal structural replacement cost of all the items that this store is linked to.
- Business Content Cost: This is the business content cost of all the items that this store is linked to.
- Business Replacement Cost: This is the business replacement cost of all the items that this store is linked to.
- Business Structural Content Cost: This is the business structural content cost of all the items that this store is linked to.
- Business Structural Replacement Cost: This is the business structural replacement cost of all the items that this store is linked to.
- Updated At: When ever this store gets updated.
- Created At: When this store was created.
Items Tab
Stores can be linked to multiple items. This tab shows all the items that this store is linked to. You can click on the item name to view the item details.
Disclaimer: All names in this document are owned by their respective owners. BigBearTechWorld is not affiliated with Amazon or Apple just used as examples.