If you’re a admin of a Boxinvy team, you can manage Team Members.
Team Members Home Screen
Actions Tab
- Invite button: Clicking this will take you to the Invite Team Member screen.
Invite Team Member Screen
- Cancel button: Clicking this will take you back to the categories home screen.
- Save button: Clicking this will save the store you are creating and take you to store detail screen.
- Back button: Clicking this will take you back to the categories home screen or tell you of unsaved changes.
- Name: Help you identify the store.
Team Members Tab
Clicking on a team member lets you edit their role.
Edit Team Member Screen
- Cancel button: Clicking this will take you back to the categories home screen.
- Save button: Clicking this will save the store you are creating and take you to store detail screen.
- Back button: Clicking this will take you back to the categories home screen or tell you of unsaved changes.
- Role: Permissions for the team member.
- User
- Mod
- Admin
- Can access the Admin Console
- Team Owner
- Can access the Admin Console
Team Invites Tab
Clicking on the email that was invited you will be presented with:
- Cancel button: Clicking this will take you back to the team invites tab.
- Yes button: Deletes the team invite and the other user will not be able to accept the invite.