Casaos user management

Hi all,

I am a first timer in this forum and i am happy to share a small project of mine :slight_smile:

I have made a python script where you can manage your casaos users (yes you can create multiple casaos users).
CasaOS User Management

  1. List all users
  2. Edit password
  3. Add user
  4. Remove user
  5. Reset database
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Welcome! Awesome work. Iโ€™ve built a UI for it, which makes it easier for users to just install the Docker container.

Made it into a UI: Added BigBearCasaOS User Management to BigBearCasaOS Gave credit to you in the forum post and file. :slight_smile:

Thanks :slight_smile:
And its super awesome that you have added a UI for it!! It works like a charm :slight_smile:

Youโ€™re welcome, and thank you for your work as well! Awesome, glad to hear. Feel free to start a pull request if you have ideas on making the UI better.

Would it be possible to integrate 2fa to this?