CasaOS- Wordpress error - No manifest in linux/arm64/v8


Im new to this community but its great to be here i love the content!

I have a RPI 5 with a fresh install of CasaOS, i am trying to install.Wordpress by following the video guide but i hit the error

“no matching minfest for linux/arm64/v8 in manifest list”

I know at least 1 person had this issue, i saw their post here- Request: wordpress raspberry pi 4 no matching manifest for linux/arm64/v8 in the manifest list entries

i did look through the posted comment but im not sure if i missed something i dont see a script in this post- How to Uninstall Docker (Snap Version) and Install Docker with Docker Compose on Ubuntu or Debian

Theres also no reply to the original message saying whether the issue was resolved or not.

I think im reasonably competent with linux but im still bending my head around docker.

Any help would be appreciated


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I am having the same issue on my RPi5 any help would be greatly appreciated.

Hi everyone,

If you’re facing the error “no matching manifest for linux/arm64/v8 in manifest list” while trying to install WordPress (or other Docker images) on your Raspberry Pi with CasaOS, I’ve found a workaround that might help.

Step-by-Step Workaround

This issue occurs because Docker isn’t pulling the correct image version for the Raspberry Pi’s ARM architecture. Here’s how to force Docker to use the correct platform:

  1. Check Your Architecture:

    Run the following command to check your system architecture:

    uname -m

    If your output is aarch64, proceed with the next steps.

  2. Set Docker to Use ARM64 by Default:

    Run the following commands to create a configuration for Docker to use the ARM64 platform:

    sudo mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/casaos-app-management.service.d/
    echo -e "[Service]\nEnvironment=\"DOCKER_DEFAULT_PLATFORM=linux/arm64\"" | sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/casaos-app-management.service.d/docker-platform.conf
    sudo systemctl daemon-reload
    sudo systemctl restart casaos-app-management
    sudo systemctl restart docker

    Important: Make sure to back up any important data before proceeding.

  3. Restart Docker Services:

    These commands will reload the systemd configuration and restart both CasaOS App Management and Docker services to apply the changes.

After completing these steps, Docker should pull the correct linux/arm64 image, and you should no longer encounter the manifest error.

The script is at the bottom:

Thank you very much for your answer!
I have carried out these steps, but unfortunately I am now getting a similar error message. /v8 is now missing. Attached is the service log.

● casaos-app-management.service - CasaOS App Management Service
     Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/casaos-app-management.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
    Drop-In: /etc/systemd/system/casaos-app-management.service.d
     Active: active (running) since Wed 2024-09-04 22:15:51 CEST; 10min ago
    Process: 1858 ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/casaos-app-management -v (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
   Main PID: 2309 (casaos-app-mana)
      Tasks: 7 (limit: 8755)
        CPU: 34.532s
     CGroup: /system.slice/casaos-app-management.service
             └─2309 /usr/bin/casaos-app-management -c /etc/casaos/app-management.conf

Sep 04 22:25:42 tw-raspberrypi casaos-app-management[2309]: {"time":"2024-09-04T22:25:42.30582015+02:00","id":"","remote_ip":"1>
Sep 04 22:25:47 tw-raspberrypi casaos-app-management[2309]: 2024-09-04T22:25:47.195+0200        error        extension `x-casao>
Sep 04 22:25:47 tw-raspberrypi casaos-app-management[2309]: 2024-09-04T22:25:47.211+0200        error        extension `x-casao>
Sep 04 22:25:47 tw-raspberrypi casaos-app-management[2309]: {"time":"2024-09-04T22:25:47.3238646+02:00","id":"","remote_ip":"19>
Sep 04 22:25:52 tw-raspberrypi casaos-app-management[2309]: 2024-09-04T22:25:52.151+0200        error        extension `x-casao>
Sep 04 22:25:52 tw-raspberrypi casaos-app-management[2309]: 2024-09-04T22:25:52.157+0200        error        extension `x-casao>
Sep 04 22:25:52 tw-raspberrypi casaos-app-management[2309]: {"time":"2024-09-04T22:25:52.232083033+02:00","id":"","remote_ip":">
Sep 04 22:26:04 tw-raspberrypi casaos-app-management[2309]: 2024-09-04T22:26:04.405+0200        info        appstore size not c>
Sep 04 22:26:05 tw-raspberrypi casaos-app-management[2309]: 2024-09-04T22:26:05.042+0200        info        appstore size not c>
Sep 04 22:26:05 tw-raspberrypi casaos-app-management[2309]: 2024-09-04T22:26:05.159+0200        info        appstore size not c>