All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- Improve the auth security
[3.1.0] - 2024-08-30
On a regular basis, check for a connection to the BigBearNetwork.
When you go offline, the saving procedure will be paused until you return online.
Cache data for faster loading and the ability to see data while offline.
Filter by quarters in a year
Add the keyboard toolbar
Improve the form scroll view to be more responsive
- Change expenses sorting to descending
When making a deal action, the right select on hidden was not saved.
When switching between apps, it occasionally stated that there was no internet connection.
Improved the connection to BigBearNetwork.
Expense list was not showing order by latest as default
When editing a expense the about was not saved.
Fix the select goal button on the edit deal form.
Resolve the issue with media not appearing on goal files.
[2.0.1] - 2022-08-18
- On Goals, Deals, Expenses, and Expense Subscriptions, the delete image has been fixed.
[2.0.0] - 2022-08-13
First Release
Previous Releases
2021 December
- Not able to delete images when editing a deal
2021 November
- Add hidden box to the deals so you can see all the hidden deals.
Deals are not showing if they have a closed date of 31 or the end of month.
Deal actions sales price was not shown on the deal action info box
Deal actions when clicking Sales Price it should remove amount type