Having some trouble with Plant-It

I’m just getting blank white when trying to access the plant-it page when installed with all default settings. Also getting an “Cannot connect to the server” error when trying to access it from the android app.

Have you looked at the logs?

Getting a whole lot of the following:

wait-for-it.sh: timeout occurred after waiting 120 seconds for big-bear-plant-it-db:3306
DB (service name: big-bear-plant-it-db, port: 3306) not available, exiting.
wait-for-it.sh: waiting 120 seconds for big-bear-plant-it-db:3306
nc: bad address ‘big-bear-plant-it-db’
nc: bad address ‘big-bear-plant-it-db’
nc: bad address ‘big-bear-plant-it-db’