How to install Pi-Hole on CasaOS using BigBearCasaOS

i didnt install docker

Ok. Are you getting any errors on the Pi-Hole app? Can you check the logs?

You don’t need systemd-resolved.service running, so that’s good. You need port 53 to be clear, that’s all.

Can you run to make sure port 53 is clear?

lsof -i :53

port 53 is clear, now i cant acces pihole unound app, trying to redownload it but i cant download it

CasaOS thinks there’s something on port 53. You can check again or try restarting CasaOS just to make sure.

Can you run this script just to make sure Docker is installed properly?

thank you so much, everything is working well, i to had also re new the ip lease on computer to see results on pihole dashboard, also i have to switch back and forth on the network that my computer is (udm pr se) connected to so i can access each casaos dashboard.

I don’t use UDM Pro anymore, but you would need to set the CasaOS - pi-hole LAN IP on Network > DHCP > DNS Servers, I think.

Glad you got it working!

you are the best, thanks alot, what network equipment do you use now?

Thank you, and you’re welcome! I’m glad I could help! My network got bigger, so I’m using netgate/pfsense now.

thanks, and have a goodnight.

You have a great night as well!

If you have time, can you write down everything you have done and post it here so it can help other people?

Will do, I’ll put something together

I tried to install pihole on casaos but it says port 53 in use. I followed the instruction on github ( bigbear scripts) but still it doesn want to install. Any suggestion?

Can you run?

lsof -i :53

Then post the output.

with sudo…

dnsmasq 1500 dnsmasq 4u IPv4 8456 0t0 UDP *:domain
dnsmasq 1500 dnsmasq 5u IPv4 8457 0t0 TCP *:domain (LISTEN)
dnsmasq 1500 dnsmasq 6u IPv6 8458 0t0 UDP *:domain
dnsmasq 1500 dnsmasq 7u IPv6 8459 0t0 TCP *:domain (LISTEN)

  1. Stop the service immediately:
sudo systemctl stop dnsmasq

This command will stop the dnsmasq service for the current session.

To disable the service:

  1. Disable the service from starting on boot:
sudo systemctl disable dnsmasq

Use this command if you don’t want dnsmasq to start automatically when the system boots.

Verify the service is stopped and disabled:

  1. Check the status of the service:
sudo systemctl status dnsmasq

This will give you the current status, indicating whether the service is active or inactive, and whether it’s enabled or disabled.

Optional: Mask the service

  1. Mask the service:
sudo systemctl mask dnsmasq

Masking the service prevents it from being started manually or automatically by other services. Use this if you want to ensure that dnsmasq cannot be started at all without unmasking it first.

Reverse the mask

To unmask the service:

sudo systemctl unmask dnsmasq

This command removes the mask, making it possible to start the service either manually or automatically, depending on whether it’s enabled.

After unmasking, if you wish to restart the service or enable it to start at boot, you can use the following commands:

To start the service:

sudo systemctl start dnsmasq

To enable the service (auto-start at boot):

sudo systemctl enable dnsmasq

Using these commands, you can fully control the dnsmasq service status, whether it’s stopped, started, enabled, disabled, masked, or unmasked.

I got this error message. When I made everything back port 53 was the problem again.