How to install Speedtest Tracker 2 on CasaOS using BigBearCasaOS

Discover How to Install Speedtest Tracker 2 on CasaOS using our App Store BigBearCasaOS! :sparkles: In this tutorial, we’ll walk you through the process, step by step, ensuring you’re set up and ready to go in no time.

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I’m at my witts end, as no matter what I do I’m unable to get this working on a brand new install of CasaOS on Ubuntu VM. Please help!

Default BigBear Speedtest Track install

CasaOS - Changed default Port from 80 to 8778

When launching the app:

# This site can’t be reached

**** refused to connect.


* Checking the connection
* [Checking the proxy and the firewall](chrome-error://chromewebdata/#buttons)

  • I’ve tried changing the host port a few times with no luck.

Hello, can you install Dozzle and post any errors?

Make sure you go into the Dozzle settings and turn on Stopped Containers.