Immich stuck on version 1.107 when the latest is 1.111

Hi I’m using the BigBear Immich docker image and its stuck on version 1.107 when the latest is 1.111. in order for the mobile app to work I need to be on the latest version; how do I get it to update?


Can you check if your time is set correctly?

I have checked and my date and time is correct

Have you rebooted the server?

I am having the same problem. I am stuck on Immich version 1.106.4 and it will not update no matter what I try. I can now no longer get the Immich app on my iPhone to authenticate to the Immich server due to this issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Can you run a health check just to make sure everything is running right?

How to run CasaOS Healthcheck

I’m letting IceWhale know about this issue. Also, can you check the logs when you check for updates? cat /var/log/casaos/app-management.log

I have the same problem.
When I pass the script the result is:
|2024-08-08T12:41:31.307-0300|error|failed to check if update is available|{error: Error response from daemon: No such image: Package immich-server · GitHub, func: service.(*AppStoreManagement).IsUpdateAvailable, file: /home/runner/work/CasaOS-AppManagement/CasaOS-AppManagement/service/appstore_management.go, line: 435}|

and more …

log file: Sebastian Sanabria Fotografia

Your issue looks like you changed the tag to latest, and the latest tag doesn’t exist. Your tag should be: v1.110.0

If you change the Docker compose or alter it, it could mess up the auto-update from BigBearCasaOS.

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It worked perfectly
Although I did not change the version, there must have been some error in the installation

Strange BigBearCasaOS makes an effort to avoid using static or the latest tag.