Immich update from v1.112.1 to 1.113.0

I am trying to get my Immich to update from v1.112.1 to 1.113.0 but I do not seem to be able to do it. I originally tried changing the tags to latest which did not work. Then I found a post which said that latest is not a valid tag. So I decided to uninstall the container and reinstall again thinking that it would install the 1.113.0 version. But after an uninstall and reinstall it is still at v1.112.1.

Is there a process I need to follow to get from v1.112.1 to 1.113.0?

In casaos I simply tried the ‘check then update’ option but that says I am already up to date.


Have you tried to remove the store and re add it then reboot the server? Currently Immich is at:

Thanks for the quick response. It looks like it took a reboot for it to pick up there was a new version. After the reboot I was able to check and update which pulled the latest version.

Thanks for your help