Nightscout on CasaOS

Hello everybody…
My name is Carlos Alberto.
I became diabetic in 2009.
My proposal is to place NIGHTSCOUT on CasaOS, to help diabetics and their families to have a better monitoring of the disease.
Since we have several programs, is there any way to add them?
Could someone please reach out to the CasaOS developers?

Do you have a link to the GitHub or docker container?

Hi dragonfire…
thanks for reply…
I don’t have…
I would like them to provide a way to install it like delug or other programs that already have the icon in CasaOS…

I don’t know if these links help anything.

Yes, that does help. I’ll add it to the roadmap.

I will be eagerly waiting.

This has been added:

Yes… This is correct…

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Awesome, hopefully it’s working well for you.

If this works as claimed (I haven’t tried it yet), you just helped potentially millions of people living with diabetes. Thank you!

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Not work here :frowning:

Nightscout is looking for mongoDB on heroku, but heroku no longer works with free nightscout. It should find mongoDB on my CasaOS, right???

Yes it should I just made a video for it and it works. Can you show me your app settings? Also did you change anything from the default install?

That would be awesome! Have you tested it and seen if it works?

Hello Dragonfire…
Sorry for the delay in responding, but my blood sugar is very rebellious and sometimes I can’t even read my messages.
Well… I didn’t find the video. In git it says about the video, but without the link to it. Can you send it to me, please?
I’m not a programmer, so I may have difficulty telling you what you’re asking for. But, I’ll try… The main idea is, with my data already appearing on Nightscout, it alerts me of high and low glucose levels, via Alexa at my bedside.
Thank you very much for being interested in this project.

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Right now, the video is scheduled for July 5th. It’s currently being published to the supporters on YouTube first before it goes to everybody.

You’re welcome glad I can help!


Hi, good evening

I was trying to watch this video about Nightscout on CasaOS, but this message came up, that just members can watch it. I could watch other videos without this restriction. Why is this one like this?


All videos are released to the BigBearClub first. On the scheduled date, they become available to everyone. I prioritize giving early access to my members and supporters. You can wait until July 5th, or you can support the channel :slight_smile:

Hello Dragonfire… How are you??
I managed to get Nightscout to run on casaOS, but it is not receiving data from my xDrip (cell phone program).
the address I put in xDrip is: https:(my_password)@
Is this address correct??

Try: http:(my_password)@

Thank you very much. Now it’s working fine…
And, it has already shown me that my glucose is very high…
The next step is to see if I can get my doctor to access my nightscout.

again. All the best to you…

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