Only Office installation 502 error

I have installed the BigBear Only Office image but get a bad gateway message (502). I also have UFW active on my Ubuntu server. Is the issue to do with UFW or have I missed something else?

Are you using this in Nextcloud?

Sorry, I forgot to mention that I used your image in CasaOS.

Could you please explain in detail the errors you are encountering and how you installed it? Additionally, are you using it with Nextcloud? When connecting it to Nextcloud, you do need to set the secret before establishing the connection."

Also do you have any logs for the docker container?

I installed it via the CasaOS app store
Not using Nextcloud
I click on the link which takes me to

If I click on the testsample button I get :slight_smile:
502 Bad Gateway


Here are the logs:
gauges: { ‘statsd.timestamp_lag’: 0 },
timer_data: {},
counter_rates: {
‘statsd.bad_lines_seen’: 0,
‘statsd.packets_received’: 0,
‘statsd.metrics_received’: 0
sets: {},
pctThreshold: [ 90 ]
Flushing stats at Wed Nov 08 2023 04:17:24 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
counters: {
‘statsd.bad_lines_seen’: 0,
‘statsd.packets_received’: 0,
‘statsd.metrics_received’: 0
timers: {},
gauges: { ‘statsd.timestamp_lag’: 0 },
timer_data: {},
counter_rates: {
‘statsd.bad_lines_seen’: 0,
‘statsd.packets_received’: 0,
‘statsd.metrics_received’: 0
sets: {},
pctThreshold: [ 90 ]
Flushing stats at Wed Nov 08 2023 04:27:24 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
counters: {
‘statsd.bad_lines_seen’: 0,
‘statsd.packets_received’: 0,
‘statsd.metrics_received’: 0
timers: {},
gauges: { ‘statsd.timestamp_lag’: 0 },
timer_data: {},
counter_rates: {
‘statsd.bad_lines_seen’: 0,
‘statsd.packets_received’: 0,
‘statsd.metrics_received’: 0
sets: {},
pctThreshold: [ 90 ]
Flushing stats at Wed Nov 08 2023 04:37:24 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
counters: {
‘statsd.bad_lines_seen’: 0,
‘statsd.packets_received’: 0,
‘statsd.metrics_received’: 0
timers: {},
gauges: { ‘statsd.timestamp_lag’: 0 },
timer_data: {},
counter_rates: {
‘statsd.bad_lines_seen’: 0,
‘statsd.packets_received’: 0,
‘statsd.metrics_received’: 0
sets: {},
pctThreshold: [ 90 ]
Flushing stats at Wed Nov 08 2023 04:47:24 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
counters: {
‘statsd.bad_lines_seen’: 0,
‘statsd.packets_received’: 0,
‘statsd.metrics_received’: 0
timers: {},
gauges: { ‘statsd.timestamp_lag’: 0 },
timer_data: {},
counter_rates: {
‘statsd.bad_lines_seen’: 0,
‘statsd.packets_received’: 0,
‘statsd.metrics_received’: 0
sets: {},
pctThreshold: [ 90 ]
Flushing stats at Wed Nov 08 2023 04:57:24 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
counters: {
‘statsd.bad_lines_seen’: 0,
‘statsd.packets_received’: 0,
‘statsd.metrics_received’: 0
timers: {},
gauges: { ‘statsd.timestamp_lag’: 0 },
timer_data: {},
counter_rates: {
‘statsd.bad_lines_seen’: 0,
‘statsd.packets_received’: 0,
‘statsd.metrics_received’: 0
sets: {},
pctThreshold: [ 90 ]

I’ll add it to my to-do list to look into. I tested it with Nextcloud, and it worked.

hello, i deeply apologies for using apprentice level necromancy to revive this topic, could i have more details or a link to an usefull guide for the integration of only office Big Bear Packet into Nextcloud Bigbear. My main goal is to collaborate in real time on the same document from two desktop (mac and windows computers) version of only office in the same LAN with CasaOS. Thanks :wink: