Hi, homeserver went down due to an unstable power connection and when I got everything back online, I realized my nextcloud instance had failed to start (first it displayed internal server error until a container restart then it was just completely unreachable via localhost or via cloudflare tunnel), went to look into the logs and found this (what I believe to be the issue):
db-nextcloud | 2024-11-29 23:00:02.218 UTC [288159] STATEMENT: SELECT “cr”.*, “co”.“calendardata”, “c”.“displayname”, “c”.“principaluri”, “cr”.“notification_date”, “cr”.“event_hash”, “cr”.“type” FROM “oc_calendar_reminders” “cr” INNER JOIN “oc_calendarobjects” “co” ON “cr”.“object_id” = “co”.“id” INNER JOIN “oc_calendars” “c” ON “cr”.“calendar_id” = “c”.“id” WHERE “cr”.“notification_date” <= $1 GROUP BY “cr”.“event_hash”, “cr”.“notification_date”, “cr”.“type”
db-nextcloud | 2024-11-29 23:10:01.638 UTC [288656] ERROR: column “cr.id” must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function at character 8
Anyone aware of a fix I could apply? I went ahead and did my due diligence but only got semi-unrelated issues (semi because it was the same error just different issues). Appreciate any help.