[Request] CV4PVE-Admin

Just found this awesome Proxmox VE DC manager with an alternative UI!

Might be cool to have that running in the CasaOS environment as an alternative for management instead of the full fat management of both individual PVE nodes and also the beta of Proxmox Datacenter Manager.

Github (including docker run): GitHub - Corsinvest/cv4pve-admin: Corsinvest for Proxmox VE Web Admin Clusters - vCenter but for Proxmoxm VE
Website: https://corsinvest.it/
Docker guide: corsinvest.it/cv4pve-admin-download-how-to-install-docker/
Dockerhub: hub .docker.com/r/corsinvest/cv4pve-admin

Sadly i had to break the links as im only allowed to post two :frowning:

If i get it running ill let you know :smiley: