[Request] Zotero on CasaOS

I use Zotero installed on my mac, but now with CasaOS, it would be awesome if I could have it on a server! :slight_smile:

Zotero is a free tool that helps to manage and cite research documents and references.
I would like to check if I could have it on server side, with all the documents on Nextcloud. :slight_smile:

This is the docker I found, even not having tested it:

Thank you for the kind support.

Hi @dragonfire1119 , tagging you (not to put any pressure - that’s not at all my intent) but just in case you’ve missed it.

Can you let me know if is this docker link enough? Is there something more I can search to help getting this?

My purpose is to get Zotero; Calibre and Nextcloud “in sync” in same place through CasaOS. This would be a really awesome setup for researchers and book writers.

Once again, thank you so much for what you’re doing, building, supporting and driving this community. :raised_hands:

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This has been added:

Thanks for the suggestion! Feel free to suggest more!

Thank you so much! I really appreciate the help! :raised_hands: