Update Home Assistant

Hi, First of all thanks for all the great work. I just installed Home Assistant core V * 2024.2.5 on Zimaboard and latest CasaOS v0.4.7

The problem when I try to update home assistant I get this error message

Unable to check for updates
You do not have any integrations that provide updates.

Can you advise me what shall I do ? Thanks in advance .

Where did you install Home Assistant?

If you’re not using BigBearCasaOS or another app store, then you won’t get automatic updates.

The Home Assistant in BigBearCasaOS is normally up-to-date. Right now, it’s at 2024.3.0.

When you’re using a custom Docker Compose file that you imported, then you check for updates, which would only update the current tag, not change the tag.

Of course I installed the BigBearCasaOS app and the version I have is V * 2024.2.5 for Home Assistant , I installed it following your video from the App Store after I added the BigBearCasaOS link

Ok, good to know you didn’t put the post in the BigBearCasaOS category, so I wasn’t sure.

Can you try to update again? Also, can you try to remove the app store and re-add it?

You need to check for updates from the CasaOS UI.

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Thanks a lot works fine