I’ve read through the forum and haven’t seen a problem exactly like mine. My usb drive is mounted, and the storage manager has alerted me of a new drive, but when I click on the storage manager button, it’s not there. I took a few screen shots but can upload 1. also have shots of the main page show that its sees the drive and then the 1.8 TB doesn’t show, but the 479 drive does. The difference is, 479 is directly connected via sata and 1.8TB is sata/usb connection.
OS is rpi 64 lite under casaOS running headless on an RPI 5 with the sata pi hat.
Based on the screenshot, your system recognizes both the 479GB drive (sdc) and the 1.8TB drive (sdd). However, there are a few issues:
The 1.8TB drive (sdd) appears to be mounted twice - at /media/storage and /media/devmon/sdd-ata-ST2000VN004-2E41. This could cause confusion in the storage manager.
To resolve this:
a) Unmount one of the mount points for the 1.8TB drive:sudo umount /media/devmon/sdd-ata-ST2000VN004-2E41
b) If the issue persists, check your /etc/fstab file for multiple entries for this drive.
Regarding the storage manager not showing the 1.8TB drive when clicked:
- This could be due to the double mounting or a permissions issue.
- After resolving the double mount, try refreshing the storage manager.
- Check if there are any error messages in system logs (use ‘dmesg’ or check /var/log/syslog).
If problems persist, you might want to unmount and remount the drives with explicit mount points:
sudo umount /dev/sdc sudo umount /dev/sdd sudo mount /dev/sdc /media/ssd sudo mount /dev/sdd /media/storage
I tried that, but no luck it still sees it, but I cant do anything with it via storage mgr. I can navigate to it using files app. just no way to get to it without browsing to it.
something else odd is, and a little more background, before installing casa os on this rpi, I had rpios and OMV, and the mounts and paths were the same as well as the IP, .223. I’ve only had this instance up since early this morning. Just to make things more confusing … I have ( and have had for a couple of months) another instance of Casa os on another rpi .101. 101 was able to smb to .223 when .223 was omv. now when I try to reconnect from 101 to 223, it says “record already exists” I should also mention that .223, while having the same IP has a different hostname.
Could the issue of not being able to map from 101 to 223 be caused by some sort of caching on 101? I did reboot 101 and .223 but no change to either issue.
I struggle to think they are related, but I am the new guy
****** UPDATE ******
Problem solved. Looks like it was a failing HD. Thanks again for your help!
I was wondering about that. Thanks for coming back and updating us. This will help others know the solution and what could be causing their problem.