Added Invoice Ninja to BigBearCasaOS


Invoice Ninja is a free and open-source invoice and expense management system. It is a web-based application that allows you to create, manage, and track invoices and expenses.

App Store


Before Install:

bash -c "$(wget -qLO -"

After Install and make sure the login shows before running:

bash -c "$(wget -qLO -"

Setup screen

DB Host: big-bear-invoice-ninja-db
Database Name: ninja

Fill out your account details after clicking test.


Thanks for this. Which terminal do I run the script in? I’m running casaOS on

SSH into your CasaOS server either through the casaos ui or from your computer terminal and run the script.

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Thanks - the Casa UI terminal login fails. What userID so I use? Sorry complete casa n00b :frowning:
Can I use the proxmox shell for casaos?

That seemed to work. Was already logged in as root

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You would need to go into the LXC or VM. Don’t use the shell on the server.

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I believe that’s where I was. Console for the casaos container.
Next question: the second script failed because it cannot find php. Is there a path I can add to a local copy of the script?


Sorry for multiple posts. Besides that php error, when I try to launch the app, I’m taken to a IN setup page and when I click Test COnnection, I get this error: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] No such file or directory

Hi, I also seem to be facing some issues when running the second command. Getting this error:

permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket at unix:///var/run/docker.sock: Get “http://%2Fvar%2Frun%2Fdocker.sock/v1.47/containers/big-bear-invoice-ninja/json”: dial unix /var/run/docker.sock: connect: permission denied
permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket at unix:///var/run/docker.sock: Get “http://%2Fvar%2Frun%2Fdocker.sock/v1.47/containers/big-bear-invoice-ninja/json”: dial unix /var/run/docker.sock: connect: permission denied

Try with sudo at the beginning of the script.

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worked! Thanks mate appreciate the help

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Hi, how can I completely uninstall this please. What did the commands that I put in the shell do.

I have installed and it works, but I just want to uninstall it and remove all traces of it please.

To remove user data, you must ensure that you uninstall from CasaOS and that the checkbox is checked.

Hi, thanks for the scripts!

In step 2 I’m getting the following error after all migrations have been run:

Could not open input file: artisan

When trying to rerun the script it breaks on creating the migration table. Any clue what’s going wrong?

Have invoice Ninja setup and I am unable to view or print PDF’s or even access the client portal due to the url for the client portal defaulting to big bear default url. As for the viewing and printing I am unsure. This is CasaOS on a Zimaboard.

Follow the instructions to install and run, it runs but with these issues at the moment.

I keep getting the error message after trying to install the app: “container big-bear-invoice-ninja-init exited (0)”

I did run the first script as advised, using sudo.

Same here, step 2 after running as sudo:

Database\Seeders\DesignSeeder … 275 ms DONE

bash: line 26: php: command not found

App launches but I get a login screen, without the option to create an account

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I get the same error after seeing the login screen and running the 2nd command.

bash: line 26: php: command not found