PiHole+Unbound 2024.07.0 - docker unhealthy

Hello BigBear Community,

I had been running the pihole+unbound docker for a solid 5 months now and it has been working cleanly for me. Saw there was an updated FTL published inside of the pihole interface and went to update the docker image. Clicked on the Check and Update from the apps list in CasaOS, did a search, no new version.

Went back in to right it off and update my gravity database and found that my docker appears to be unhealthy now. Click on the Dashboard inside pihole gives me no statistics, dns service shows it is not running. Clicking on Settings gives me a php read/permissions error on my setupVars.conf file.

Error states:

PHP error (2): parse_ini_file(/etc/pihole/setupVars.conf): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /var/www/html/admin/settings.php:17

Tried doing a full removal of the docker image, ensured my folders were empty in Files in Casa, then redeploy. Added my details into the docker settings, it installs properly, upon entering the webgui, I get the same broken interface and permissions error access on php for my setupVars.conf.

Any thoughts or is this an inherent bug/issue with this build with pihole themselves maybe?

I made a change to the Docker image and just installed it on my CasaOS, and it worked. Can you try to reinstall?