Super neat infinite canvas tool with realtime collaboration and end to end encryption. Great for sketching up ideas together or annotating on images.
This has been added:
Great! Weird i missed that
You didn’t miss anything. I just added it
Thank you for the suggestions. Keep them coming!
Well, that was quick then!
Thanks for adding! I hope you get the time to look ad the other suggestions as well. been tearing my hair out trying to install them manually
By the way, the logo chosen is very stretched and goes over the title in the UI. Also, the collaboration feature is not working?
Maybe use this one? a bit neater as well. I already changed it manually, just letting you know
I love finding all these great tools i have never heard of before building my homelab! A big thanks for the app store. It has so much good stuff
Would you be able to start a pull request on adding the new logo or post it here? So I can get it added.
In risk of doing the pull request wrong, here it is
That works too! Done thanks: