Hello everyone!
I’m a beginner in the world of homelabs and still learning the basics of Linux commands and Docker. I’m picking things up as I go along.
I could really use your help. I’m trying to set up Syncthing to sync files directly to an external hard drive connected to my Orange Pi running CasaOS. However, I’m encountering the error shown in the attached image.
I understand Isn’t it possible to have the location directly inside the external HD?
The entire system is on a 64GB emmc memory, so everything I synchronize with syncthing in this directory would consume my 64GB of space.
That’s why I would like it to be synchronized directly to the HD due to the space.
I followed your advice and tutorial, and it worked perfectly! I can’t thank you enough, it was exactly what I was looking for.
having the storage directly on the external drive. It even saved me the trouble with Nextcloud, as I was going to ask how to set up storage directly on the external hard drive as well.